donderdag 29 december 2016


Abraham Ortelius, line engraving, 1666

"In the sixteenth century a favourite way of honouring a friend was to make a flattering anagram of his name. A French humanist, Nicolas Clément (known as Trellaeus), chopped up

ABRAMUS ORTELIUS to make.....................................................
URBIS LAETUS AMOR ('Happy [in his] love for [his] city')

Ortelius (born in Antwerp in 1527, and dying there in 1598) was pleased by this word-play - even though no one knew better than he the difficulties that being an Antwerper could wreak on peace of mind and body, and even though he was twice compelled by events to flee it for a period of time." (Paul Binding, Imagined Corners, London, Headline, 2003, p. 6)

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